Location: Mohawk Park--Oxley Nature Center
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&ll=36.226048,-95.89762&spn=0.008291,0.013754&t=h&z=16&msid=103228297516276567813.00048f0aa582d627d0816
Observation date: 8/29/10
Number of species: 18
Canada Goose - Branta canadensis 15
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos 2
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 4
Great Egret - Ardea alba 2
Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea 1
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura 2
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 35
Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca 1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - Contopus virens 1
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 7
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 6
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 3
Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis 1
Prothonotary Warbler - Protonotaria citrea 1
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 4
Common Grackle - Quiscalus quiscula 2
American Goldfinch - Spinus tristis 6
-Photo courtesy of Mike Baird, via Wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/30/2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Oxley Nature Center, North Woods (Sierra Club/Oxbow Lake/North Woods Trail) - Tulsa, OK - August 27, 2010
Location: Oxley Nature Center (North Woods) - Tulsa, OK
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.224317,-95.924377&spn=0.008482,0.013754&t=h&z=16&msid=103228297516276567813.00048ee2cc824ead7288a
Observation date: 8/27/10
Number of species: 21
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa 20
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 4
Great Egret - Ardea alba 3
Green Heron - Butorides virescens 4
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - Nyctanassa violacea 1
Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis 1
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 2
Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura 1
Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus 1
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee - Contopus virens 1
Red-eyed Vireo - Vireo olivaceus 2
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 4
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 15
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 7
Tufted Titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor 1
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 2
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 5
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea 1
With the recent drop in temperatures, Friday morning at Oxley was fantastic birding weather.
The North Woods area of Oxley is a fantastic place to see Wood Ducks. The isolated oxbow lakes provide a perfect habitat for the ducks to feed and breed. Wood Ducks are amazingly skittish - it is very difficult to get even remotely close to a group of them for observation.
I have been seeing several Green Herons each time I visit. I have seen them on Oxbow Lake, Mallard Lake, and the unnamed Oxbow near the North Woods trail. On this particular visit I was able to watch one at close range (20 feet) while he eyed the shallows for small fish or amphibians.
I am really looking forward to walking these trails during the fall migration season.
-Photo courtesy of Snowmanradio, via Wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/28/2010
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.224317,-95.924377&spn=0.008482,0.013754&t=h&z=16&msid=103228297516276567813.00048ee2cc824ead7288a
Observation date: 8/27/10
Number of species: 21
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa 20
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 4
Great Egret - Ardea alba 3
Green Heron - Butorides virescens 4
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - Nyctanassa violacea 1
Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis 1
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 2
Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura 1
Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus 1
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee - Contopus virens 1
Red-eyed Vireo - Vireo olivaceus 2
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 4
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 15
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 7
Tufted Titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor 1
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 2
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 5
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea 1
With the recent drop in temperatures, Friday morning at Oxley was fantastic birding weather.
The North Woods area of Oxley is a fantastic place to see Wood Ducks. The isolated oxbow lakes provide a perfect habitat for the ducks to feed and breed. Wood Ducks are amazingly skittish - it is very difficult to get even remotely close to a group of them for observation.
I have been seeing several Green Herons each time I visit. I have seen them on Oxbow Lake, Mallard Lake, and the unnamed Oxbow near the North Woods trail. On this particular visit I was able to watch one at close range (20 feet) while he eyed the shallows for small fish or amphibians.
I am really looking forward to walking these trails during the fall migration season.
-Photo courtesy of Snowmanradio, via Wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/28/2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Oxley Nature Center, North Woods (Sierra Club Trail/Oxbow Lake Trail) -Tulsa, OK - August 21, 2010
Location: Oxley Nature Center (North Woods) - Tulsa, OK
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.223071,-95.923508&spn=0.004241,0.006877&t=h&z=17&msid=103228297516276567813.00048ea8c7823f4736cd8
Observation date: 8/21/10
Number of species: 19
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa 15
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 2
Great Egret - Ardea alba 1
Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea 1
Green Heron - Butorides virescens 2
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - Nyctanassa violacea 1
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 3
Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon 3
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 1
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 8
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 15
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 3
Tufted Titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor 1
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 3
Prothonotary Warbler - Protonotaria citrea 1
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 8
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea 1
Common Grackle - Quiscalus quiscula 2
-Photo courtesy of Snowmanradio, via wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/23/2010
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.223071,-95.923508&spn=0.004241,0.006877&t=h&z=17&msid=103228297516276567813.00048ea8c7823f4736cd8
Observation date: 8/21/10
Number of species: 19
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa 15
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 2
Great Egret - Ardea alba 1
Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea 1
Green Heron - Butorides virescens 2
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - Nyctanassa violacea 1
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 3
Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon 3
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 1
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 8
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 15
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 3
Tufted Titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor 1
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 3
Prothonotary Warbler - Protonotaria citrea 1
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 8
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea 1
Common Grackle - Quiscalus quiscula 2
-Photo courtesy of Snowmanradio, via wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/23/2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Oxley Nature Center, North Woods (Sierra Club Trail/Oxbow Lake Trail) - Tulsa, OK - August 13, 2010
Location: Oxley Nature Center (North Woods) - Tulsa, OK
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.22359,-95.924807&spn=0.008482,0.013754&t=h&z=16&msid=103228297516276567813.00048dc91a3f7c7db7f08
Observation date: 8/13/10
Number of species: 9
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa 12
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris 1
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 3
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 9
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 25
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 1
Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos 2
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 6
While walking the Sierra Club trail I spotted a small group of Wood Ducks dabbling around the edge of a small pond. It took me a moment to identify them; they were sporting their non-breeding plumage (see the photo above).
-Photo Courtesy of MauriceJFox3, via Wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/14/2010
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.22359,-95.924807&spn=0.008482,0.013754&t=h&z=16&msid=103228297516276567813.00048dc91a3f7c7db7f08
Observation date: 8/13/10
Number of species: 9
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa 12
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris 1
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 3
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos 9
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 25
Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 1
Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos 2
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 6
While walking the Sierra Club trail I spotted a small group of Wood Ducks dabbling around the edge of a small pond. It took me a moment to identify them; they were sporting their non-breeding plumage (see the photo above).
-Photo Courtesy of MauriceJFox3, via Wikipedia.org
-SPQ 8/14/2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Keystone WMA - Cimarron Unit ("Buckeye Creek") - Oilton, OK - August 1, 2010
Location: Keystone WMA - Cimarron (Buckeye Creek) - Oilton, OK
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.108305,-96.51824&spn=0.015776,0.027509&t=h&z=15&msid=103228297516276567813.00048cdc84b242b8e4447
Observation date: 8/2/10
Number of species: 16
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 6
Great Egret - Ardea alba 2
Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea 1
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura 6
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 1
Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus 3
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 2
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - Tyrannus forficatus 1
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 3
Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis 6
Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos 1
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 4
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea 12
Painted Bunting - Passerina ciris 1
We got a late start on Saturday morning and paid for it Saturday afternoon. It must have been at or above 100 degrees by the time we left (around 1:30 pm). So the word for the day was HOT.
-SPQ 8/3/2010
Map: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=36.108305,-96.51824&spn=0.015776,0.027509&t=h&z=15&msid=103228297516276567813.00048cdc84b242b8e4447
Observation date: 8/2/10
Number of species: 16
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias 6
Great Egret - Ardea alba 2
Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea 1
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura 6
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus 1
Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus 3
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus 2
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - Tyrannus forficatus 1
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea 3
Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis 6
Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos 1
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis 4
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea 12
Painted Bunting - Passerina ciris 1
We got a late start on Saturday morning and paid for it Saturday afternoon. It must have been at or above 100 degrees by the time we left (around 1:30 pm). So the word for the day was HOT.
-SPQ 8/3/2010